Cyclone Cycling

Cyclone Cycling

Spanish Honor Society

Spanish Honor Society

Hispanic Heritage

Hispanic Heritage



Forensics and Debate

Forensics and Debate





Student Council

Student Council

Science Society

Science Society



Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl

National Honor Society

National Honor Society





Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Ducks Unlimited

Ducks Unlimited

Crown Club

Crown Club

Interact Club

Interact Club


Sponsor: Dixie Miller

FFA is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.


Sponsor: Angela Cobb
The Renaissance Foundation is a program developed to promote better citizenship as well as academic excellence among our student body. Our goal is to increase student performance and teacher enthusiasm. The Renaissance student board consists of a selected group of high school students who desire to strengthen their leadership skills and community involvement. This group meets with community members to learn about area businesses, the importance of leadership, and how to be contributing members of the community. The students also select student/teacher of the month, create bulletin boards, and provide tours for upcoming freshmen during transition day. Other renaissance programs include ACE Awards, Celebration of Excellence, Cyclone Achiever, and Distinction Banquet.


Sponsors: Angela Cobb and Natalie Earnest
Student Council strives to preserve the good name and traditions duly allotted to a student council. This shall be done by assisting with extra-curricular activities, encouraging a better student-faculty relationship, and by promoting better citizenship, scholarship, and high ideals with the school. Membership consists of a president, vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, representatives, class president, class officers, and a faculty advisor. Each office is elected by a popular majority vote of the student body. The election is held in the spring of the preceding school year. Each office has its own criteria in order for a student to run for office.


Sponsor: Grace Fitch

The purpose of the National Honor Society is to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character. To be eligible for membership in the RHS Chapter of National Honor Society, a student must have been enrolled in Russellville High School for one full semester as a member of the sophomore, junior, or senior class and must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) Once inducted, students must maintain all standards of the chapter to remain members of the National Honor Society.


Sponsor: Grace Fitch
National Beta Club is a non-profit, leadership-service organization for high school students. Its purpose is to stimulate effort, reward achievement, and encourage and assist its members to continue their education after high school. Membership is by invitation only. To be eligible for membership, a student must have been enrolled in Russellville High School for one full semester as a member of the sophomore, junior, or senior class and must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0-3.49 (on a 4.0 scale). Qualifications for membership are worthy character, good mentality, creditable achievement, and commendable attitude.


Sponsor: Mariah Campbell
Interact is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young people. Made up of members from grades 10-12, Interact gives young people an opportunity to participate in fun, meaningful service projects. Interact performs at least two projects a year, with the one serving the community and the other furthering international understanding. Along the way, Interactors develop their leadership skills and initiative while meeting new friends. Through their service activities, Interactors learn the importance of developing leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others, understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work, and advancing international understanding and good will. The club's motto is "Service Above Self."


Sponsor: Matt Foy
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the International Honor Society for high school students. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership. There are more than 5,500 chapters and Tri-M has helped thousands of young people provide years of service through music in schools throughout the world.


Sponsors: Boundy Balenko and Lynn Ellison

The purpose of an Asian Heritage Club is to spread knowledge about Asian cultures, encourage participation in events, and connect students to their cultural backgrounds.


Sponsor: Angela Cobb
The mission of the Hispanic Heritage Club is to promote and educate about Hispanic culture and history. Students will work together on various initiatives and projects to learn about the issues, contributions, and history of Hispanic people. Additionally, the club will focus on school and community service. All RHS students are welcome to be a part of the Hispanic Heritage Club.


Coaches: Steven Quoss and Drew Taylor
Quiz Bowl is an Arkansas Activities Association-sanctioned team that competes in the 6A West Region and 6A State classifications. The RHS team competes in games with other schools, at invitational tournaments and in the 6A region and state tournaments. 6A Region and State championships are awarded in quiz bowl play. Players use their knowledge, skills, tactics and strategies to score points in four-quarter games. Quiz bowl topics of which players must be knowledgeable and skilled include math, science, history, literature, language arts, art, music, popular culture, mythology, sports and current events, among many others. Some quiz bowl players use knowledge from many areas to compete, while other players may be “specialists” in one or two topics.


Sponsor: Matt Foy
The Teenage Republicans is an official GOP auxiliary that is dedicated to training young people to help elect Republican candidates in local, state, and national offices.


Sponsor: Seth Stewart
The purpose of the Young Democrats is to inform people on progressive issues and to help train the next generation of Democratic leaders. We pledge to pursue the ideas of liberty, justice and freedom for all. We also aim to stimulate in young people an active interest in government affairs, be visible in our community, and contribute to the growth and influence of the ideals and philosophy of the Democratic Party.


Sponsors: Lynn Ellison and Glenn Newton
FCA's mission is to present to coaches and athletes, and all whom they influence, the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church. FCA's vision is to see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.


Sponsor: Mariah Campbell
The purpose of Women in STEM is to support inclusion, equity, and access in STEM fields. Women in STEM's goals include challenging attitudes about women in STEM, filling opportunity gaps for high school girls and non-binary students, and working towards an equitable future.


Sponsor: Taylor Womack
Muse Literary Magazine is an organization that strives to provide an outlet for creativity by giving students of Russellville High School the opportunity to express their individuality through literary works, photography, and other visual arts. Each year, interested students may complete an application and obtain teacher recommendations to be considered for the following year. Staff members are required to participate in a two-day summer camp and after school meetings. The students on staff have the opportunity to attend field trips with a focus on writing and the arts and provide them with opportunities to work with professional writers, actors, musicians, artists, etc. In addition, the Muse Literary Staff members attend Arkansas Scholastic Press Association convention, a two-day journalism workshop and awards competition each April.


Sponsors: Taylor Womack, Marty Watts, and Jason Young
The purpose of GSA is to promote tolerance, understanding, cooperation, and community among high school students and all whom they influence through meetings, outreach and example. GSA is a student-led organization open to all students.


Sponsor: Dustin Jackson
Student Congress is a debate team that competes throughout the year and in two major competitions, one each semester. The major fall competition is the Arkansas Student Congress and the major competition in the spring is the Arkansas Tournament of Champions. These competitions utilize Robert's Rules of Order to facilitate the various rounds of Congressional Debate. The debaters write bills of their own, and argue in affirmation or negation of bills written by other students. State level debaters qualify for the National Speech and Debate Honor Society.


Sponsor: Jared Fuller
The purpose of HOSA is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program.


Sponsor: Lynn Ellison
The purpose of FCCLA is to provide students with opportunities to develop leadership abilities while focusing on the aspects, skills, and theory within the curriculum. Membership is open to all students in secondary schools who are taking or have taken courses in the Family and Consumer Sciences Department.


Sponsor: Jasmine White
The International Thespian Society is for students serious about pursuing theatre studies. The society focuses on theatre education and students work in all areas of theatre, plus community outreach and advocacy. Troupe 7260 participates in several annual events that help raise awareness about live theatre. Students are encouraged to participate in the Arkansas State Thespian Festival and the International Thespian Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska.


Sponsor: Amanda Lowe
FBLA's mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership development programs. To achieve its goals, FBLA provides members with a broad range of exciting conferences, publications, competitive events, and partnership opportunities.


Sponsor: Angela Cobb
The Sociedad Honoriaia Hispanica is a National Honor Society for Spanish students. Requirements for membership are a 3.5 GPA for three semesters of Spanish, an overall 3.0 GPA, and evidence of good citizenship. New members are inducted in February. SHH offers a variety of opportunities and activities to its members.